Land: Island, Sverige, Norge, Grønland og Færøerne
År: 2023
Environmental impacts and energy transition in the Nordic seafood sector
Environmental impacts and energy transition in the Nordic seafood sector
Seafood is generally a climate-efficient and nutritious type of food. Consumers, however, are often confused
as to whether seafood is sustainable or not and what seafood to choose. The Nordic seafood sector has now
the opportunity to take the lead in transitioning to low greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency
measures and shifting to alternative fuels.
The Working Group for Fisheries and Aquaculture (AG-Fisk) within the Nordic council has recognized this,
and as part of Iceland’s presidency of the council in 2023, initiated a networking project to raise awareness
and share knowledge on past-, present- and future advances in reduction of environmental impacts in Nordic seafood value chains. The highlight of the project was a conference that was held in Reykjavík on 13
September 2023.
The conference consisted of 13 presentations and was attended by close to 150 persons.
This proceedings from the conference, representing an abstract of each presentation and the slides presented are available here. Recordings form the conference are also available on the project’s webpage.
The project also facilitated a workshop and created a network of stakeholders across the Nordic countries
that are planning cooperative initiatives in the coming years to address sustainability in seafood value
chains and energy transition.
Projektets hjemmeside: https://matis.is/en/matis_projects/norraent-netverk-um-umhverfisahrif-og-orkuskipti-i-sjavarutvegi/
Rapport, der indeholder konferenceindlæg, er tilgængelig på https://matis.is/en/uncategorized/proceedings-from-a-conference-on-environmental-impacts-andenergy-transition-in-the-nordic-seafood-sector/
Matís, Jónas R. Viðarsson (IS), jonas@matis.is
RISE (Sweden)
Sjokovin (Faroe Islands)
Royal Greenland (Greenland)
University of Tromsø (Norway)
University of Iceland (Iceland)
Støtte fra AG-Fisk:
DKK 696 200