Land: Grønland, Danmark, Norge, Sverige, Færøerne, Island og Tyskland
År: 2019 – 2023
Workshop om bestandsstruktur og tilhørsforhold for rødfisk (Sebastes mentella) ved Østgrønland, Island og Færøerne
Experts from several Nordic countries joined forces during two workshops, one held online due to COVID
restrictions and one held in person in Nuuk, to better understand stock and species affiliation of redfish (Sebastes mentella and Sebastes norvegicus) in East Greenland, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands. The first workshop was held in November 2020 with 9 participants from Greenland, Iceland, Denmark, the Faroe Islands,
Norway, and Sweden.
During this workshop, existing genetic data on redfish stock affiliation was presented, discussed and synthesized. An outline for two scientific articles describing the current understanding of stock distribution and population structure of S. mentella was drafted. However, it became increasingly clear that not only stock affiliation of S. mentella is challenging, but, especially in East Greenland, also attribution of individual fish to the correct species. Therefore, in March 2023 a second workshop was held focusing specimen identification.
The second workshop was attended by 17 participants from Greenland, Iceland, and Germany. Individually frozen and genetically identified redfish specimens were used for species identification. Results revealed that overall identification success was only 71 %, warranting future work on improving species identification using better morphological characters, genetic identification, or a mix of both.
Scientists from both workshops are collaborating further to address these issues, that are ultimately highly relevant to ensure sustainable exploitation of these living marine resources.
Grønlands Naturinstitut, Henrik Christiansen (GRL), hech@natur.gl
Grønlands Naturinstitut, Grønland: Alvide R. Oksen, Tanja B. Buch, Anja Retzel, Sofie Ruth Jeremiassen, Malthe Olesen, Christoffer Koch, Daniel Estévez-Barcia, Søren Post, Rasmus Nygaard, Julius Nielsen, Helle Torp Christensen
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Iceland: Kristján Kristinsson, Sif Gudmundsdottir
Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Germany: Karl-Michael Werner, Matthias Bernreuther, Christian Schulte, Annika Elsheimer
National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua), Denmark: Einar Eg Nielsen, Belén Jiménez Mena
The Faroe Marine Research Institute, Faroe Islands: Helga Bára Mohr Vang
Institute of Marine Research, Norway: Torild Johansen
Stockholm University, Sweden: Atal Saha
Støtte fra AG-Fisk:
DKK 230 000