CATSAM Utvikling av fangst sampling design, statistiske estimatorer, og sampling protokoll for regional sannsynlighets-basert prøvetaking av pelagiske fiskerier i ICES
Land: Danmark, Færøerne, Norge, Island, Sverige, Skotland, Holland
År: 2020-2024
Developing catch sampling design, statistical estimators, and sampling protocols for regional probabilistic catch sampling from pelagic fisheries in ICES.
This project aims to contribute to improving data collections to achieve a more sustainable management of the pelagic fishery in the Scandinavian waters. It is a coordinated effort among Nordic countries to develop:
(1) operational systems for probabilistic sampling from pelagic fisheries,
(2) cost-effective regional probabilistic catch sampling programs,
(3) protocols for subsampling of catches, and
(4) methods for estimation of regional total catch in numbers at age that underpins stock assessments of large pelagic stocks in ICES.
The project will specify data formats so that national sample data can be stored in the ICES RDB and develop statistical estimators for catch-at-age for regional total catches in numbers at age.
The project will beclosely linked to ICES, particularly through WGCATCH, and the development of the ICES RegionalDatabase (RDB).
There will be collaboration with scientists from Holland and UK (Scotland) and industry representatives from Denmark, Norway, Scotland, and Holland to coordinate and improve methods for regional catch sampling of pelagic fisheries. If such methods are implemented regionally, this would likely improve precision on the stock assessments that forms the basis for quota advice.
A regional probabilistic sampling approach will support the quantification of uncertainty in catch at age that are inputs to stock assessments and hence achieve a more sustainable management of the pelagic fishery in the Scandinavian waters.
Havforskningsinstituttet Norge, Jon Helge Vølstad, jon.helge.voelstad@hi.no
Støtte fra AG-Fisk:
DKK 509.400