Factors influencing bird bycatch in N-Atlantic demersal longline fisheries
Land: Norge, Danmark, Island, Færøerne, Grønland
År: 2024 – 2026
Bycatch of seabirds in fisheries is one of the main threats to seabird populations globally, and more than a hundred thousand seabirds are estimated to be killed in longline fisheries specifically. Considerable effort has been made to monitor and reduce seabird bycatch in longline fisheries in the southern hemisphere but much less is known about the status in the North-Atlantic meaning the scale and population impacts of bycatch remain largely unknown. Despite this uncertainty, bird bycatch has been identified as one of the main sustainability issues with this industry and pressure from eNGOs, ecolabels, and the public is increasing. There are three main objectives of the project. First, we aim to collate information to describe and characterise the demersal longline fisheries in the different countries, including improved identification of gear and target species operating in the North-Atlantic. Second, we will explore the drivers of variation in seabird bycatch rates in demersal longline fisheries based on available literature and complemented with data from various North-Atlantic longline fisheries. Finally, we will formalise the foundations for a North-Atlantic network of scientists working on longline bycatch to provide a collaborative and strategic approach to understanding, assessing and where necessary mitigating seabird bycatch across the North-Atlantic. |
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Iceland, Guðjón Már Sigurðsson, gudjon.mar.sigurdsson@hafogvatn.is
Faroe Marine Research Institute (FO) (Jóhannis Danielsen)
Greenland Institute of National Resources (GL) (Søren Post, Flemming Merkel)
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NO) (Kim Magnus Bærum, Signe Christensen-Dalsgaard)
Institute of Marine Research (NO) (Tom Clegg)
National Institute of Aquatic Resources DTU Aqua (DK) (Gildas Glemarec)
University of St. Andrews (UK) (Simon Northridge, Allen Kingston)
Marine Institute Ireland (IE) (Ailbhe Kavanagh)
Støtte fra AG-Fisk:
DKK 600.000