Land: Norge, Island, Færøerne
År: 2023 – 2024
The main objective of this project is to develop new and innovative products of traditional salt-cured and clipfish based on knowledge exchange and new information regarding processing, recipes, consumer, and market preferences.
These products are important for the Nordic region, however both consumption and profit from the tradition products can be improved. The project aims to increase the degree of national processing by developing new
or improved, high value and more consumer-friendly easy-to-use products. New recipes, increased processing and product development will also give the products added value.
Iceland, The Faroe Island and Costal Norway have a long history and extensive experience concerning processing of traditional products. However, consumption among young people is low, products are inconvenient and there is a need for more detailed and updated consumer knowledge in order to offer new, more processed ready-to-eat products with high acceptance.
The project will facilitate sharing of this essential knowledge across the Nordic region. The different producers in the region are to some degree competitors regarding salted and dried salted whole products (fillets and butterfly-cut). The industry is also in general more volume orientated than value. For more processed products, the focus will be more of the opposite, where each producer most likely will target different markets and in smaller volumes. Therefore, a strategy of cooperation instead of competition, seems more fruitful for the Nordic partners in this project in order to achieve the goals.
Since the competition will be minor, there is a significant advantage connected to sharing information. The cooperation will result in a more efficient product and process development, than carrying out these time- and cost-intensive innovations in parallel actions separately in each region. For restaurants and Tourist operators, new dishes and products can be offered as well as the history and utilization of these important traditional products are held alive. For the research institutes the objective will be to generate new and updated consumer data and improve industry knowledge and contacts. This is important when both basic and applied research is carried out.
This project is co-finansed from NORA.
Matís, Island, Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, kolbrun@matis.is
Brødrene Sperre Ellingsøyveien, Ellingsøy, Norway
Inger-Marie Sperre inger@sperrefish.com
iNOVA, Faroe Islands, Janus Vang jv@inova.fo
DRYTECH, Tromsø, Norway
Tormod Ingebrigtsen, tormod@drytech.no
Atlanterhavsparken, Ålesund, Norway
Ole Christian Skogen, ole@atlanterhavsparken.no
Destinasjon Ålesund & Sunnmøre, Ålesund, Norway
Oddhild Breivik oddhild.breivik@visitalesund.com, Reykjavík, Island
Viðar Engilbertsson, vidar@sfs.is, Institute for Tourism, Iceland
Þórir Erlingsson thorire@keilir.net, Island
Sigurður Daði Friðriksson, sidurdur.dadi.fridriksson@mk.is
Durita í Grótinum, Faroe Islands, durita@jfk.fo
Jens Kristian, Rasmussenjkr@vadhorn.fo
Visit Faroe Islands, Torshavn, Faroe Islands
Susanna E Sørensen, susanna@visitfaroeislands.com
Master Chef SKRIVASTOVA & KØK Faroe Islands
Gutti wither gutti_winther@hotmail.com
Master Chef Sigmundurgøta, Torshavn, Faroe Islands
Leif Sørensen leifso@mail.fo
Grimur Kokkur, Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland
Grímur Gíslason grimurkokkur@grimurkokkur.is
Støtte fra AG-Fisk:
DKK 500.000