Co-location of marine activities
Land: Sverige
År: 2024
Projektet er finansieret under visionsprojektet Bæredygtig Havøkonomi: https://nordiskfiskerisamarbejde.dk/tvaersektorielle-og-samfinansierede-projekter/
In order to help facilitate increased co-location of marine industries with fewer conflicts the Swedish Board of Agriculture recieved 1 075 502 Sek in funding from the Nordic Council of Ministers to carry out a project in collaboration with Nordic Innovation and the Swedish Rural Network.
The workgroup was comprised of project manager Johan Penner from The Swedish Board of Agriculture, Emil Gejrot and Þórður Reynisson from Nordic Innovation and Carl Dahlberg from the Swedish Rural Network. The aim of the project was thost a two day conference and bring international stakeholders from governments, managing authorities, research and industries together.
The conference sought to create dialogue and disseminate information regarding opportunities and challenges for increased co-existence and co-location of marine activities.
The conference was an important way to facilitate the creation of lasting networks between Nordic stakeholders from within both the private and public sectors as well as researchers.
The conference was held on the 25th to 26th september 2024 and gathered attendants from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Iceland and the Faroe Islands. During the conference information and suggestions was gathered from the participants regarding what would be considered the most important remaining questions and possible solutions to further develop multi- use systems.
TemaNord rapport: https://www.norden.org/en/publication/nordic-conference-co-location-marine-industries?utm_medium=email&utm_source=transactional&utm_campaign=Norden_Newsletter
Johan Penner, Jordbruksverket, Sverige, j0han.penner@jordbruksverket.se
Nordic Innovation
Støtte fra AG-Fisk:
DKK 551.508