The role of local knowledge in marine spatial planning for a just green transition in times of digital transformation and climate change

Land: Island, Sverige, Skotland

År: 2024-2025

Projektet er finansieret under visionsprojektet Bæredygtig Havøkonomi

The project seeks to support the delivery of a sustainable Ocean Economy in the North Atlantic Region through inclusive marine spatial planning (MSP) processes which contribute to a just green transition.

To achieve a sustainable coexistence at sea, MSP must be informed by a variety of robust and relevant quantitative and qualitative data that represent an evidence base incorporating a diverse range of knowledge types and sources. The marginalization of knowledge from different stakeholders, levels or disciplines can result in MSP failing to consider the complex knowledge that comprises marine sectors as well as marine ecosystem services. This incomplete information results in a lack of understanding of the complex interplays and conflicts between marine renewable energy production and blue food sectors, and in turn impedes the search for sustainable coexistence solutions at sea.

The project will explore challenges and opportunities linked to the integration of knowledge from diverse sources, incorporating how this evidence can be considered and integrated in the decision-making process at a range of governance levels at a time of rapid digitalization and the emergence of AI. The project focuses specifically on enhanced collaboration and exchange of knowledge across borders between countries in the North Atlantic Region, to develop a shared and deeper understanding of sustainable and just ocean governance, the inclusion of local knowledge and the application of digital technologies.

This project complements the related ongoing projects under the Fisheries Cooperation such as the project “Green Energy Meets Blue Food – Sustainable Coexistence in Nordic Seas”.



Matthias Kokorsch, University Centre of the Westfjords, Island,


UHI Shetland (Scotland)

Nordregio (Sweden)

Støtte fra AG-Fisk:

DKK 1.005.000

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