Nordic focus on aquatic food systems: Greenhouse gas emissions in Nordic aquatic food production
Countries: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Finland
Year: 2025- 2026
The main objective of the project is to identify greenhouse gas emissions in Nordic aquatic food production, the main drivers behind them, and to estimate the size of greenhouse gas emissions.
The project will link emissions to individual seafood products, based on models from other studies, which will enable comparisons with other food products. The project will also estimate in which parts of the value chain the largest emissions occur, and how these vary between nations. Furthermotre point out the largest categories of waste in Nordic aquatic food production throughout the value chain from primary production to retail, and highlight the effect this can have on actors and society as a whole. Quantifying waste, both in terms of extent and significance, is outside the scope of the project, but possible improvement potential in the value chains will be pointed out.
The primary target group will be authorities and administrations in the Nordic countries, as well as industry players and research and assessment communities. The project will be led by Nofima and carried out in collaboration with other Nordic communities within fisheries and business economics.
An initial literature study of research in the area will be carried out. This will provide a basis for conducting analyses in individual value chains in, and between, different Nordic countries and in different parts of the value chains, also to identify national differences.
Nordic cooperation will help to uncover the most important inequalities in the value chains for aquatic food production, and identify the most important challenges for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and waste in these. The outcome of the project is of a general nature, but will contribute to increased attention to important issues in the work on green transition and sustainable resource utilization, which will remain after the project.
Web page: https://portal.research.lu.se/en/projects/nordisk-satsing-p%C3%A5-akvatiske-matsystemer
John R. Isaksen, Nofima, Norge, john.isaksen@nofima.no
Max Nielsen, lektor, Institutt for Fødevarer og Ressourceøkonomi (IFRO), Københavns Universitet, DK
Cecilia Hammarlund, utredare, AgriFood Economics Centre, Universitetet i Lund, SWE
Sveinn Agnarsson, prófessor, Háskóli Íslands (Islands Universitet)
Ella Hellström, research scientist, Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)
Hans Ellefsen, associate professor, Fróðskaparsetur Føroya (University of the Faroese Islands)
Funding from AG-Fisk:
DKK 1.500.000