Increased sustainability in Aquaculture with focus on feed and sidestreams
Land: Island, Finland, Færøerne, Sverige, Norge
År: 2022-2024
Increased sustainability in Aquaculture with focus on feed and sidestreams
The Nordic countries are big players in salmon aquaculture (Salmo salar). Many challenging environmental
issues are related to this production, and they are to be found in every step of the process.
The main focus of this project was on novel and alternative feed ingredients and sidestreams utilisation. Both those issues involve vast volumes and it´s of high importance for the economy as well as the sustainability and
environmental impact of this important profession that they are tackled in better and more efficient manner than current approaches.
Future food security for our global population that does not compromise the longterm sustainability of our ecosystems requires a revolution in the way we produce our food and there is an urgent need for nutritionally optimise a sustainably produced feed ingredient for inclusion in aquafeeds.
Experts and stakeholders in aquaculture from the Nordic countries were gathered in Iceland on a workshop
to tackle and discuss these issues.
Overall, the project has made contributions to understanding and addressing the sustainability challenges in aquaculture. It has provided valuable insights that align with regional goals and offer practical applications for the industry, policymakers, and educational institutions.
The results have been published in a report which can be found here: https://matis.is/skyrsla/increased-sustainability-in-aquaculture-with-focus-on-feed-and-sidestreams-aukin-sjalfbaerni-i-fiskeldi-med-aherslu-a-fodur-og-hlidarstrauma/
Matís, Birgir Örn Smárason, birgir@matis.is
Turid Mørkøre, Faculty of Biosciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, (NO)
Jana Pickova, Swedish University for Agricultural Sceince, Uppsala (SE)
Gunnvør á Norði, Fiskaaling, Hvalvík (FO)
Jouni Vielma, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) (FI)
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