Low trophic potential of the Nordic
Land: Island, Sverige, Færøerne, Norge
År: 2024-2025
By 2050, it is estimated that the Earth will be home to 10 billion people. Feeding the world is already a challenge today, and this raises an important question: How can we sustainably supply food to the increasing population now and in the years to come?
The world is facing unprecedented challenges in terms of climate change and achieving food supply and security. One alternative is to expand the production of familiar and novel food, particularly the production of low trophic species (LTS).
The aim of this project is twofold, analyse the current status of low trophic aquaculture and fisheries/harvesting in the Nordic countries, and make recommendations on how more food and biomass from those LT species can be obtained in a way that does not deprive future generations of their benefits.
Furthermore, the report will analyse the Nordic countries policy and governance in relation with LT, identify commonalities and bottlenecks.
Those recommendations will support future Nordic Council policies regarding exploring every avenue of sustainability within the blue sector and support the key pillars; sustainability, competitive edge, and constant innovation.
Matís, Island, Valur Norðri Gunnlaugsson, valur@matis.is
Philip James – Nofima, Tromsö, Norway
Unn Laxá – Sjokovin, Faroe Islands
Åsa Strand – IVL svenska miljöinstitutet, Sweden
Støtte fra AG-Fisk:
DKK 450.000