Fiskerikontrol II

Land: Island, Danmark

År: 2023 – 2024

Innovation in electronic surveillance and data gathering in fisheries management promoting sustainability  

This project was a continuation of the former project ‘Fiskerikontrol (2022)’.

In the area of information exchange between fisheries administrations, a need has been identified for standardizing reports between countries on the landings of vessels when the catch stems from other areas than the flag state’s EEZ. The project has produced such a standard and protocol.

Regarding remote monitoring, it is considered extremely interesting to look at the synergistic effects of analyzing fishing activities with satellite images along with the use of drones. The aim is to determine how these technologies can best be used together to intervene in illegal fishing. This technology also offers great potential in the analysis of fisheries in developing countries.

In the field of statistical analysis of data on fisheries when making decisions on monitoring and control, it is believed that each country can learn a lot from the others and that the group intends to develop joint methods in the field.

Compliance by design architectures is an area where monitoring of fishing is built into the information systems of fishing vessels, thereby making monitoring more automatic and comprehensive than other methods. The Norwegians are at the forefront in this field and all the participating countries are very interested in keeping up with developments and laying a foundation for joint ventures in this area.

The management of fisheries in the North Atlantic is good in comparison with the management of most other areas, and the nations responsible for fishing there want to be at the forefront of sustainable utilization and good management and control of fisheries. The main goal of the project is to increase cooperation and coordination in the development of innovations in electronic monitoring. In this way, the intention is to set a model for other nations that can be promoted and utilized internationally.

The project aimed to promote innovation that would lead to sustainability in utilisation and increased value creation from fish stocks in the North Atlantic. The intention was to develop and improve working methods and technological solutions that can be utilized by other fishing nations, as well as strengthen cooperation between nations that fish in the North Atlantic.

http://htt ps:// /frett/samstarfsverkefni-um-t hroun-eft iriits-med-fiskveidum


Fiskistofa, Islands fiskeridirektorat, Þorsteinn Hilmarsson,,

Njáll Ragnarsson,


Grønlands selvstyre: Mads Rossing Lund

Fiskeridirektoratet i Norge: Ole Høstmark

Vørn í Færøerne: Petur Meinhard Jacobsen

Fisheries and Oceans Canada: Sean Wheeler og Dion Browne

Hav och vatten Sverige: Anders Bogelius

Dept. For Environment, Food and Rural Affairs UK: Elinor Brett

Støtte fra AG-Fisk:
DKK 647.190

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