New multifaceted study towards sustainable seafloor in the exploratory area of Melville Bay
Land: Grønland, Norge, Island, Færøerne, Danmark, UK
År: 2023 – 2024
The project focused on exploring the largely unstudied seafloor environment of northern Melville Bay, Greenland, to enhance the understanding of marine resources and support sustainable fisheries manage- ment. Utilizing high-resolution sonar technology and multidisciplinary approach, the research aimed to map benthic habitats, assess biodiversity, and analyse the ecological dynamics of this critical area.
Key activities included an 8-day research cruise on the RV Tarajoq, where data on seafloor geology, biodi- versity, and physical oceanography were collected. The project successfully identified diverse benthic eco- systems and established a comprehensive habitat model, highlighting the importance of complex glacial topography in promoting biodiversity.
The findings have significant value for the annual assessments on fishery resources to the Government of Greenland contributing to sustainable fisheries management, as well as provide unique data on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem areas for marine conservation. Results are and will continue being shared with the scien- tific community, local authorities, and industry stakeholders on the newly explored Arctic benthic habitats. The project also fostered Nordic collaboration among experts from Greenland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and the UK, strengthening professional partnerships in marine research. Ultimately, this project supports the sustainable use of marine resources in harmony with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 14: Life Below Water.
Scientific publication: Batchelor et al. 2024: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/arti- cle/pii/S0025322724001592
GINR news article about the cruise: https://natur.gl/year/2023/undersoegelser-i-melville-bugten-gen- nemfoeres/
GINR news article about the project results: https://natur.gl/year/2024/indlandsisen-har-vaeret-langt- stoerre-end-forventet/
KNR radio interview (https://knr.gl/da/nyheder/forskere-ville-undersoege-bugt-men-endte-med-en-helt- anden-opdagelse )
Conferences: European Geophysical Union congress in Vienna 2024; Conference on climate research, ma- rine environment and the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in Nuuk 2024 (Conference on climate research, marine environment and the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development | Danish Meteorological Institute (nemtilmeld.dk)
Workshop in Nuuk: ‘Exchange of knowledge on seabed mapping across Nordic boundaries’ – social media posts.
Grønlands Naturinstitut, Diana Wioletta Krawczyk, dikr@natur.ql
Greenland / Greenland Institute of Natural Resources:
- Diana Krawczyk
- AnnDorte Burmeister
- Nadescha Zwerschke
- Sandra Meier
- Tobias Vonnahme
- Uiloq Kleist
- Daniel Esteves-Barcia
- Cruise technicians
Denmark / Technical University of Denmark:
- Jesper Boje
Denmark / University of Southern Denmark
- Jenny Stefansdottir
Norway / Institute of Marine Research:
- Lis Lindal Jørgensen
- Heidi Gabrielsen
- Katherine Dunlop
- Tina Kutti
Norway / The Arctic University of Norway
- Bodil Bluhm –> Irina Zhulay
Iceland / Marine and Freshwater Research Institute:
- Steinunn Hilma Olafsdottir
- Laure de Montety
- Julian Burgos
Iceland / University Centre of Westfjords (Costal Management Master program):
- Joyce Mulder
- Orla Mallon
Faroe Islands / Faroe Islands National Museum:
- Áki Vang
UK / British Antarctic Survey
- Chester Sands
UK / Zoological Society of London
- Chris Yesson
UK / Newcastle University
- Christine Batchelor
Støtte fra AG-Fisk:
DKK 640.000