Cross-sectoral and co-financed projects

Sustainable ocean economy


Call from the Nordic Fisheries Cooperation under the Nordic Council of Ministers for Nordic cooperation projects on innovation within sustainable marine economy.

Salmon and equality


The project will improve the knowledge base on equality issues in fishing and aquaculture and other emerging blue economies across the Nordic countries. 

At the same time, it must create increased awareness of the need for a more equal gender balance in the sector and for the recruitment of female skills. 

More specifically, the project’s research must improve knowledge about which initiatives have proven effective in increasing equality within the sector.

Sustainable fisheries from healthy seas

A project under Nordforsk.

National research financiers in the Nordic countries, Nordforsk and EK-FJLS (Fisheries and Aquaculture) have entered into a collaboration around a research call for sustainable fisheries in the Nordics.

The research call is closed (May 2024).

The funding comes from Nordforsk, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and the Nordic Council of Ministers (i.e. EK-Fisk and NSK), and comes as a follow-up to the MR-FJLS ministerial meeting in 2023 and the Prime Minister’s declaration on Nordic maritime cooperation:

NOK 40 million is available, and projects can apply for a maximum of NOK 8 million for projects lasting 3-4 years. The program can therefore finance up to 5 projects.

December 2024: There are four research projects that have been selected under the research program Sustainable Fisheries from Healthy Seas:

For any questions, contact Kyosti Lempa at Nordforsk ,

Green Energy Meets Blue Food

Project under Nordregio on marine economy and coexistence.

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